Monday, December 7, 2015

Final Project Presentations

Last Thursday our class presented their final projects. I was very impressed with my colleagues' work. It was clear that everyone put a lot of time and effort into their projects. I thought it was interesting that Selena, Jennyerika, and I all chose to use Pinterest for our projects. I have always viewed Pinterest as a social media outlet for hobby-type activities. I rarely saw social justice issues come up on Pinterest before this project. I am glad that I chose Pinterest because it gave me the opportunity to use the website in a different way and see all that Pinterest has to offer in terms of social justice.

What I enjoyed most about the presentations were the discussions. I always enjoying hearing my colleagues' perspectives on the topics we are learning about. It was also nice to have Dr. Mattheis, Dr. Hafner, and Dr. Ulanoff join our class. They all made very valuable contributions to our discussions.

Overall, I think we all did a great job on our projects and presentations and I am grateful to be part of such a talented cohort!


  1. Yes we are AWESOME!, thank for empowering us all Ms. Superintended :)

  2. Erin, I really loved your video. How the heck did you draw those arrows? You're going to have to show me how to do that some day. It was an entertaining document of your project. I can't compete. You're refreshing!!!!!!

    1. Thanks, Bettina! It's all done with Explain Everything. You should download the app!

    2. I'm going to look into as soon as I finish blogging. Thanks ;)

  3. Erin I loved your music! I think I want to add it to my ringtone. That would really add to the ambiance during important meetings I have at work. Thanks for inspiring us!

    1. Haha. Thanks, Selena! I think that's a good idea.

  4. I couldn't stop moving in my seat watching your presentation. You are always so intriguing when you present, I appreciate that and so will the world :)

    1. Aw, thanks Maryann! I feel the same way about you!
