Thursday, September 24, 2015

Week 3

Claire Cain Miller's article "The 27/7 Work Culture's Toll on Families and Gender Equality" sheds a new light on the issue of gender equality in the workplace. Women facing the glass ceiling in their careers is often discussed and examined, however Miller describes a new study suggesting that gender inequality is the result of the modern work culture of working 24/7 (answering phone calls and emails at home late at night or over the weekend). When women cut back on "work hours" to commit more time to their families, they limit their chances of advancing their careers. Miller explains that family friendly policies, which have been suggested to improve gender equality in the workplace, are not the solution. The culture of overworking needs to shift in order to achieve gender equality. 

Facebook pages that support gender equality:


  1. There are so many barriers for women!....From the beginning of time we have been pushed down. There must be a reason....OH yes because we were born AWESOME!

  2. OMG that article on the New York Times made me mad. Please do something about this Erin. It's not right!!!

  3. I love the Latina Feminista facebook page! thanks for sharing!

  4. "The culture of overworking needs to shift in order to achieve gender equality." Amennnnn sista! I love how you worded that! Yessssssssss.
