Sunday, October 25, 2015

Theory Presentations

I had a great time collaborating with my peers to create our theory presentation. Google Slides was the perfect medium for the presentation because we were able to see each other's progress and never had to worry about updated versions. I am glad I had the opportunity to research cognitive apprenticeship theory because it is a concept often discussed during PDs at my school. Cognitive apprenticeship is a theory of the process where an apprentice learns a skill from a master. It uses elements of the old idea of apprenticeship incorporated with schooling.  
I can apply what I learned from my research directly to my own teaching practice. I particularly like learning about how cognitive apprenticeship occurs through gaming. I know Minecraft and other games are used in schools, but it was useful to learn specifically how gaming is beneficial for students.
I also really appreciated the thoughtful and thorough work Selena and JennyErika produced. Both of my team members did an excellent job and I learned a lot from their research and parts of our presentation. Overall, I am proud of our team and think we did a great job working together to present our theories.

I was also very impressed with the other team's presentation. I think Maryann and Betinna did a great job of explaining their theories. I loved all the video clips they included to help support their ideas. I also thought they led a very productive discussion. I supposed the bottom line of the blog post is that Cohort 5 is the best and we all kicked butt.
We're the best team everrrr - Success Kid | Meme Generator


  1. I definitely agree with you Erin! COHORT 5 is the best! You rocked your presentation!

  2. Ditto that!

    You three did an awesome job with your presentation!

  3. Oh yes we are! We are the best cohort aliveeeeeee! You girls did an amazing job. I really love how you presented this blog by the way, I barely blinked - didnt want to miss a pixel.
