Thursday, October 29, 2015


I am really glad that we learned how to use Diigo because it is definitely a valuable tool I will be able to use when working on my dissertation. I am very very organized and love organization systems, however I had never really found a useful way to organize content from websites. Diigo is the perfect solution because everything I bookmark is in one place and I can search using tags, annotations, or titles.

I also love the sticky notes feature in Diigo. I often have thoughts I want to jot down when reading content online, but if I type or write it down, I usually forget what I was reading when I return to the note. Diigo is a great way to connect notes directly to websites or online content. 

Overall, I am really excited about Diigo and I am looking forward to using it to support my own research, as well as my work with my own students.


  1. I agree this is a great tool to help with our dissertations! it helps us just keep what we need !

  2. Yes I agree with Selena, it's going to help with our dissertations. Plus I need to be organized or I'll go crazy so I do love this!

  3. I love Diigo - my favorite! I suck at staying organized, this is definitely going to help.

    1. I agree! (not that you suck at organization, but that it's going to help) :)
