Friday, November 27, 2015

What is feminism?

While working on my final project Pinterest page, I came across a fun and informative Buzzfeed article. I wouldn't necessarily consider Buzzfeed a reliable source for educational research, however this article is very accessible and covered some important topics.

Fortunately, feminism is becoming more well-known and many women and men are now identifying as feminists.  However, many "feminist terms" are being tossed around and not everyone has a full understanding of what these terms mean. This article covers basic terminology any feminist should be aware of. So whether someone is a budding feminist just looking for equal wages, or has been burning bras and not shaving her armpits for years, this is a great place to freshen up on contemporary terms that will surely pop up in conversations and readings. 

The article covers everything from the definition of feminism

to transmisogyny 

to "mansplaining"

So check out the article if you would like to stay current on your feminist lingo! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Final Project Progress

I have made some progress over the past week with my Pinterest board. I continue to pin things related to latinas in leadership, feminism, and social justice. I still only have 3 followers, but have now had 4 people repin or like my pins. I am finding that it is more common for people to use Pinterest for things like hobbies, cooking, and crafts, as opposed to discussing social justice issues. I think people also enjoy spreading quotes and memes through Pinterest, so I have begun pinning memes, gifs, and quotes related to my issue in hopes that they will more likely be repinned.

I have also started playing around with Explain Everything to try and figure out how I will present my final project. It is more complicated and time consuming than I anticipated, however I think that is only because it is unfamiliar to me. I'm glad I decided to use Explain Everything for my presentation because it is giving me the opportunity to get used to the app and hopefully I can use it for future projects.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Final Project Proposal

Last week our class proposed our ideas for our final projects. For my final project, I want to advocate for women in leadership by creating a Pinterest page dedicated to Latina leaders. I created a profile that focuses on Latinas in leadership, but also covers other feminist issues. My objective for this social media activity is to spread awareness about women in leadership by creating at least 5 boards dedicated to various feminist issues. I will consider my objective achieved when at least 10 of my pins were either repinned, “liked”, or commented. For our final presentation, I will use ExplainEverything to present my final project.

So far I have made good progress with my Pinterest page. I created a new Pinterest profile called “Latina Leaders.” I created 5 boards under this profile: Women in Leadership, Latinas, Social Justice, The Wage Gap, and LGBTQIA. Each board has between 15-20 pins. 

I followed several people who pinned similar content in hopes to gain followers. However, so far I only have 3 followers. One person has repinned one of my pins, so I am making some progress toward my objective. I plan to continue pinning to my 5 boards and following people with similar interests in order to get visitors to my boards and content.