Sunday, November 22, 2015

Final Project Progress

I have made some progress over the past week with my Pinterest board. I continue to pin things related to latinas in leadership, feminism, and social justice. I still only have 3 followers, but have now had 4 people repin or like my pins. I am finding that it is more common for people to use Pinterest for things like hobbies, cooking, and crafts, as opposed to discussing social justice issues. I think people also enjoy spreading quotes and memes through Pinterest, so I have begun pinning memes, gifs, and quotes related to my issue in hopes that they will more likely be repinned.

I have also started playing around with Explain Everything to try and figure out how I will present my final project. It is more complicated and time consuming than I anticipated, however I think that is only because it is unfamiliar to me. I'm glad I decided to use Explain Everything for my presentation because it is giving me the opportunity to get used to the app and hopefully I can use it for future projects.


  1. I actually signed up with pinterest too. It's a pretty cool concept to be able to keep an online scrap book of my interests. But I worry that it's so personal that I don't want people to know that I have one. But at the same time, I think it's a great way for people to really appreciate others for their interests. Great job explaining :)

    1. There are private boards that you can use for pins that are too personal to make public!

    2. I signed up to follow you guys and didn't get very far lol

  2. I really like your Pinterest posts, so easy to follow

    1. Woo hoo! Thank you! Start pinning your own stuff!
