Friday, November 27, 2015

What is feminism?

While working on my final project Pinterest page, I came across a fun and informative Buzzfeed article. I wouldn't necessarily consider Buzzfeed a reliable source for educational research, however this article is very accessible and covered some important topics.

Fortunately, feminism is becoming more well-known and many women and men are now identifying as feminists.  However, many "feminist terms" are being tossed around and not everyone has a full understanding of what these terms mean. This article covers basic terminology any feminist should be aware of. So whether someone is a budding feminist just looking for equal wages, or has been burning bras and not shaving her armpits for years, this is a great place to freshen up on contemporary terms that will surely pop up in conversations and readings. 

The article covers everything from the definition of feminism

to transmisogyny 

to "mansplaining"

So check out the article if you would like to stay current on your feminist lingo! 


  1. Thank you for clarifying the "feminist terms". I've heard these terms as well. But I've never really fully understood them. Love this post!

    1. I'm also one of your followers! Keep doing what you're doing. It's empowering!

  2. I cant wait to read your dissertation! I know its going add so much to the literature!

    1. :) Thanks, Selena! I think we will all make an impact with our dissertations!

  3. I am so happy that feminism has such a strong advocate like you behind them.
